1,Number of color head : 6 Colors 2,Max.production speed: 400 Pieces/min 3,Max.printing length: 390mm 4,Max.printing width: 130mm 5,Max.diameter of container on the edge: 140mm 6,Min.diameter of container on the edge: 50mm 7,Max.height of container: 170mm 8,Min.height of container: 40mm 9,Diameter of printing plate roller: 177 10,Diameter of central roller: 708mm 11,Printing sectors on central roller: 4
12,Taper of cup: 2°- 13°
13,Number of mandrels: 8
14,Regulation of pressure: Micrometric 15,Pressure required for pneumatic system: 6-8bar
16,Electrical installed power: 35kw.
17,UV power: 8kw. (Adjustable)
18,Max. air consumption: 800L/min.
19,Adjustable speed: From 0 to max.
20,Weight of machine: 8000kg (approx.)